Lecture: 48, Tutorial: 16, Credit: 04. Marks: 100


Unit 1: Types and features of Chemical bonds; Law of thermodynamics, concept of free energy in biological system, high-energy compounds and their biological significance; classification, structure and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins & amino acid; Levels and structural organization of proteins.
Unit2: Metabolism: Cori cycle, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis , Krebs cycle and their energetic; Outline of catabolic routes of amino acids; Oxidative deamination, decarboxylation, transamination; urea cycle; -oxidation of fatty acids and synthesis of fatty acids (Palmitate).concept of Electron transport system & ATP synthesis; phosphorylation (substrate level, oxidative and photophosphorylation); photochemical reaction in chloroplast and carbon fixation reaction.
Unit 3: Enzymes; classification, properties, mechanism of action, factors affecting enzyme activity; Michaelis-Menten equation; Line-weaver & Burk plot, significance of Km; Enzyme inhibition; Cofactors and coenzymes; Biosensors.


Unit 4: Nucleic acid as genetic material; structure, properties and types of DNA (A, B and Z) and RNA (hn RNA, mRNA, tRNA and rRNA); C- value Paradox; Genome organization in ‘prokaryotes’ and eukaryotes; Structural and regulatory genes, DNA replication: semiconservative, enzymology of DNA replication; Basic concept of end replication problem and DNA synthesis by reverse transcriptase; regulation of gene expression in ‘prokaryotes’; operon concept, structure and function of lac. operon.
Unit 5: Transcription and Translation: RNA polymerase in ‘prokaryotes’ and eukaryotes; RNA transcription; RNA processing & splicing; Genetic code and its features; initiation, elongation and termination of protein biosynthesis; Post-translational modification of proteins.
Unit 6: Basic methodologies of manipulating DNA & Genes: cutting, separating and visualizing DNA pieces, Southern blotting, foot printing, RFLP, DNA sequencing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR).


Credit: 02, Marks: 50

  1. Preparation of solutions of different normality, molarity anddilutions.
  2. Colourimetric estimation of protein, glucose and inorganicphosphates.
  3. Estimation of ascorbic acid by titrimetricmethod.
  4. Preparation ofbuffers.
  5. Measurement of enzyme activity.
  6. Determination ofKm.
  7. Effect of temperature on enzymeactivity.
  8. Effect of time on enzymeactivity.
  9. Estimation of RNA.
  10. Separation of amino acid by paperchromatography.
  11. Demonstration of basic equipments: microscope, colourimeter, spectrophotometer,
    pH-meter, electrophoresis and centrifuge.


Lecture: 48, Tutorial: 16, Credit: 04. Marks: 100

Section: A

Unit 1: Molecular organization of plasma membrane; Membrane lipids & Membrane fluidity, Membrane transport: diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport; Carriers & Channel Proteins; Electrical properties of plasma membrane; Dynamics of microfilaments, Role of actin & microtubule cytoskeleton in cell shape, intracellular motility, mitosis & locomotion, Functions of intermediate filaments.
Unit 2: Cellular communication: cell adhesion and roles of different adhesion molecules; Cell signalling; signalling molecules, receptors, second messengers, mechanism of signal transduction, Cell-cycle: phases of cell cycle, checkpoints and regulators of cell cycle progression, Programmed cell death
Unit 3: Protein sorting and transport to the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body and lysosomes; Protein glycosylation within Golgi body and protein secretion; Carcinogens and mechanisms of carcinogenesis, Properties of cancer cells, tumor viruses, oncogenes and suppressor genes

Section: B

Unit 4: Deviations of Mendelism, pleiotropy, penetrance and expressivity, Phenocopy multiple alleles and multiple genes; Chromosomal mechanism of sex determination, sex-linked, sex limited and sex influenced characters; cytoplasmic inheritance, Linkage and crossing over: phase, group, mechanism and stages of occurrence of crossing over; gene mapping in eukaryotes, three-point test-cross. Epigenetics: concepts and molecular basis.
Unit 5: Mutation: numerical and structural chromosomal mutation, autoploidy and alloploidy, spontaneous and induced mutation; mutagens and their action, Gene mutation, frame shift and substitutional mutation, DNA damage and repairing.
Unit 6: Concept of population genetics and Hardy-Weinberg law, Human genetics: genetic disorders and syndromes, euthenics, eugenics and euphenics; Genetic counselling; Basic idea on human genome project (HGP), genomic library and gene targeting.


Credit: 02, Marks: 50

  1. Fixation, block preparation, sectioning and staining oftissues.
  2. Localization of neutral mucopolysaccharides in cell by periodic acid Schiffreaction.
  3. Localization of non-sulphated acid mucopolysaccharides in cells by alcian bluetechnique.
  4. Localization of general lipid by Sudan Black Bmethod.
  5. Detection of neutral lipid by sudan III/oil Red Otechnique.
  6. Localization of metachromatic substances in cells by Toluidine bluetechnique.
  7. Preparation of fixatives for chromosome study, pre-treatment, stains; squashing and smearing
  8. Study of permanent slides of different stages of mitotic cell division, giant chromosomes and specimens of genetical significance viz. xenia, cytoplasmic inheritance and representations of crosses due to modifications of Mendelian ratios.
  9. Mitotic chromosome study in plant materials like onion/pea/lilium etc. and animal materials like frog tadopole/chironomus larva.
  10. Sex chromatin study in human hair follicle and buccal epithelialcells.
  11. Meiotic chromosome study in the flower buds of onion/maize and grasshoppertestes.
  12. Working out of some genetical problems related to theorysyllabus.
  13. Sampling of biological data for statisticalcalculation.
  14. Biostatistical calculations on averages, deviations (sd, variance,se)
  15. Problems related to probability, problems related to correlation andregression.
  16. Testing of statistical hypothesis (X2 , t and F-test), ANOVA (oneway).
  17. Sequence alignment, molecular Phylogenetic Analysis
  18. Lipinski and ADMETAnalysis
  19. Molecular DockingAnalysis
  20. QSAR Analysis


Credit 04, Marks: 100

Unit 1: Types and features of biochemical reactions. Bioenergietics: redox reaction, redox potential and free energy, oxidative and photophosphorylation and their mechanism. Structure of ATPase and Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis.
Unit 2: Metabolism of Carbohydrates: Regulation of Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, HMP pathway, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis; Glyoxylate cycle.
Unit 3: Lipids: β oxidation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, ω– oxidation; metabolism of ketone bodies, biosynthesis of saturated fatty acids, its regulation; metabolism of eicosanoids and cholesterol.
Unit 4: Metabolism of amino acids phenylalanine, histidine, tryptophan and Arginine.
Unit 5: Metabolism of Purines and Pyrimidines, its regulation.
Unit 6: Interrelationship of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, Inborn errors of metabolism.

LSD107: A. Lab Course on BIOCHEMISTRY-I

Credit: 02 Marks: 50

  1. Fractionation of tissue by differential centrifugation.
  1. Estimation of protein, carbohydrate, free phosphate in biologicalsamples.
  2. Estimation of ascorbic acid (Colourimetric).
  3. Estimation of cholesterol.
  4. Estimation of urea in biologicalsamples.


Unit1: Definition, division of plant ecology, tools used in studying ecosystem diversity and complexity, environmental monitoring; development of plant ecology at national and international level.
Unit2: Autecology and population dynamics: ecological clock with detail phonological analysis, population characteristics and dynamics, regulation of population density,
r–k selection, species interaction and competition; gene ecology: ecads and ecophenes, ecotypes- characteristics, formation, kinds, delimitation and
significance of ecotypes, ecospecies and coenospecies.
Unit3: Synecology: origin, development and structure of vegetation, methods and purpose of vegetation study; plant community- characteristics, development and classification, analytic and synthetic characters of plant community, life forms and biological spectrum; concept of ecotone, flagship and keystonespecies

Unit4: Community dynamics (Plant succession): definition, causes, kinds and theories of plant succession, the climax concept, differences of young and mature communities and their ecological efficiency.
Unit5: Soil and plant relationship: soil formation, soil horizons, physico – chemical properties of soil, soil nutrients and plants; the rhizosphere concept, rhizosphere population, role of soil microorganisms in functioning and restoration of ecosystem,majorsoiltypesofIndiawithspecialreferencetothesoilofAssam.
Unit 6: Phytogeography: principles of phytogeography, static phytogeography and the broad vegetation belts; dynamic phytogeography – basis of dynamic phytogeograghy; endemism: concept, age and area hypothesis, endemic flora of the world with special reference to India, plant migration and barriers.

  1. To study the floristic composition of different stands with respect to biotic disturbances as grazed, protected and extensively disturbed areas.
  2. To determine the minimum size and number of quadrat necessary for sampling herbaceousvegetation.
  3. To study the percentage frequency of species in different stands and comparison with Raunkiaer’s Frequency Classes thereof.
  4. To study the vegetation of a grassland community by ‘Physiognomic method’ – the biological spectrum method.
  5. To study the Importance Value Index (IVI) of species in differentstands.
  6. To study the Species Diversity Index (SDI) in a grassland community.
  7. To study the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of different species in a community.
  8. To study the Stomatal Index (SI) of some species growing in varioushabitats.
  9. To determine the Association Index (AI) of species in differenthabitats.
  10. To determine the Similarity Index (SI) and Dissimilarity Index (DI) of species in different habitats.
  11. To study the primary productivity of a fresh water ecosystem by light and dark bottle method.


Unit1: Cell theory and exceptions, Gross structure and chemistry of eukayotic and prokaryotic chromosomes, specialized chromosomes and their cytogenetic
significances, mitotic apparatus. Synaptenemal complex, chromosome theory of inheritance, concept of karyotype andidiogram.
Unit 2: Polygenic inheritance: Previous knowledge of mendelism and modifications, inheritance of kernal colour of wheat, corolla length in tobacco, transgressive variation.
Unit 3: Multiple alleles: alleles, multiple alleles and isoalleles, sexual incompatibility in plants, blood group alleles in man, multiple alleles and complex loci.
Unit 4: Linkage, recombination and gene mapping: Morgan’s works on Drosophila, Coupling and repulsion hypothesis, cytological evidence of crossing over, gene mapping, interference and coincidence.
Unit 5: Genetical control of sex: Chromosomal basis of sex determination, balanced theory of sex determination, environmental and hormonal control of sex, concept of sex linked, sex limited and sex influencedcharacters.
Unit 6: Extranuclear transmission of traits; maternal effect and maternal inheritance, Killer trait in paramecium, Co2 sensitivity in Drosophila, plastid inheritance and male sterility in plants, organeller genetics – episomes, mitochondria and chloroplast.


  1. Preparation of fixatives and stains used in cytological works, killing and fixing of tissue and organs and their preservative, use of pretreatment for chromosome spreading.
  1. Study of mitosis by squash techniques using suitable stains like acetocarmine, acetoorcein, haematoxyline, fuelgen techniques etc. in plant materials (squash from root tips or shoot tips of common economic and cropplants).
  2. Study of meiosis by smearing techniques using suitable stains. in plant materials (smear from PMC’s of common economic and cropplants).
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