Title of the Course: Natural Resource Management
Nature of course : GEC-I
Course code:
Total Credits: 03
Marks : 45+30=75
Total: 45 Lectures
UNIT-I: Natural resources:
Definition and types. Natural resources of NE India. Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
UNIT-II: Sustainable utilization of land and water resources:
Soil degradation and management; water resources (Freshwater, marine, estuarine) wetlands; Threats and management strategies and their management.
UNIT-III: Biodiversity:
Definition, types, significance, threats, management strategies, CBD, Bioprospecting
UNIT IV: Contemporary practices in resource management:
EIA, GIS, Participatory Resource Appraisal, Ecological Footprint with emphasis on carbon footprint, Resource Accounting; Waste management. National and international efforts in resource management and conservation.
1. Vasudevan, N. (2006). Essentials of Environmental Science. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Singh, J. S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S. (2006). Ecology, Environment and Resource Conservation. Anamaya Publications, New Delhi.