

Title of the Course : Plant Diversity and Human Welfare
Nature of course : GEC-II
Course code :
Total Credits : 03
Distribution of Marks: 45+30=75
Lectures: 45

Unit 1: (12 lectures)

Plant diversity and its scope- Genetic diversity, Species diversity, Plant diversity at the ecosystem level, Agrobiodiversity and cultivated plant taxa, wild taxa. Values and uses of Biodiversity: Ethical and aesthetic values, Precautionary principle, Methodologies for valuation, Uses of plants, Uses of microbes.

Unit 2: (13 lectures)

Loss of Biodiversity: Loss of genetic diversity, Loss of species diversity, Loss of ecosystem diversity, Loss of agrobiodiversity, Projected scenario for biodiversity loss, Management of Plant Biodiversity: Organizations associated with biodiversity management. Methodology for execution-IUCN, UNEP, UNESCO, WWF, NBPGR; Biodiversity legislation and conservations, Biodiversity information management and communication

Unit 3: (10 lectures)

Conservation of Biodiversity: Conservation of genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity, In situ and ex situ conservation, Socialapproaches to conservation, Biodiversity awareness programmes, Sustainable development.

Unit 4: (10 lectures)

Role of plants in relation to Human Welfare; a) Importance of forestry their utilization and commercial aspects b) Avenue trees, c) Ornamental plants of India. d) Alcoholic beverages through ages. Fruits and nuts: Important fruit crops their commercial importance. Wood and its uses.

Suggested Readings

1. Krishnamurthy, K.V. (2004). An Advanced Text Book of Biodiversity – Principles and Practices. Oxford and IBH Publications Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

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