

Title of the Course : Morphology and Reproduction of Spermatophytes
Nature of course : Minor-II
Course code :
Total Credits : 04
Distribution of Marks: 60+40=100
Lectures: 60

Unit-1. Gymnosperms

General characteristics, classification, morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Cycas, Pinus, Ginkgo and Gnetum; Patterns of embryo development in gymnosperms. Ecological and economic importance.

Unit. 2. Fossil plants

Process of fossilization; early land plants (Psilophyton and Rhynia), Cycadeoidea, Sphenophyllum, Geological time scale, importance of fossil study.

Unit. 3. Morphology of Angiosperms

Morphology and types of root, stem, and leaves phyllotaxy and venation, hairs and trichomes, inflorescence and its types; aestivation. Arrangement and types of reproductive parts of flower, placentation and its types.

Unit. 4. Anther and pollen biology

Anther wall: structure and functions, microsporogenesis, callose deposition and its significance microgametogenesis; pollen wall structure, MGU (male germ unit) structure, NPC system; palynology and scope (a brief account); pollen wall proteins; pollen viability, storage and germination.

Unit 5: Ovule

Structure and types of ovule; female gametophyte– megasporogenesis (monosporic, bisporic and tetrasporic) and megagametogenesis.

Unit 6: Pollination, fertilization and post fertilization developments

Pollination types and significance; adaptations for pollination; Double fertilization; Structure and types; general pattern of development of dicot and monocot embryo and endosperm; suspensor: structure and functions; embryo-endosperm relationship; nutrition of embryo; polyembryony, apomixes and parthenocarpy self incompatibility.


1. Study of morphology and reproductive parts of Cycas, Pinus, Ginkgo & Gnetum.
2. Study of Fossil plants (Photographs/specimen).
3. Study of different types of roots (Morphology only).
4. Types of leaves, venation, hairs and trichomes, phyllotaxy, inflorescence and aestivation.
5. Types of placentation and ovule (Preparation of temporary slides)
6. Study of pollen morphology and pollen tube formation.
7. Study of types of embryos and endosperms (Permanent slides/ photographs)

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