Title of the Course : Ethnobotany
Course Code :
Nature of the Course : GEC-III
Total Credits : 03
Distribution of Marks : 45+30=75
Lectures: 45
Unit-I: Ethnobotany (15 lectures)
Introduction, concept, scope and objectives; Ethnobotany as an interdisciplinary science.The relevance of ethnobotany in the present context; Major and minor ethnic groups or Tribals of India, and their life styles. Plants used by the tribals: a) Food plants b) intoxicants
and beverages c) Resins and oils and miscellaneous uses.
Unit-II: Methodology of Ethnobotanical studies (08 lectures)
a) Field work b) Herbarium c) Ancient Literature d) Archaeological findings e) temples and sacred places.
Unit-III: Medico-ethnobotanical sources in India (15 lectures)
Significance of the following plants in ethno botanical practices (along with their habitat and morphology) a) Azadiractha indica b) Ocimum sanctum c) Vitex negundo. d) Gloriosa superba e) Tribulus terrestris f) Pongamia pinnata g) Cassia auriculata h) Indigofera tinctoria. Role of ethnobotany in modern medicine with special example Rauvolfia sepentina, Trichopus zeylanicus, Artemisia,Withania. Role of ethnic groups in conservation of plant genetic
resources. Endangered taxa and forest management (participatory forest management).
Unit-IV: Ethnobotany and legal aspects (07 lectures)
Ethnobotany as a tool to protect interests of ethnic groups. Sharing of wealth concept with few examples from India. Biopiracy, Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge.